The Clear Choice for Coral Gables
On Fiscal Responsibility and Transparency
As citizens paying our hard-earned dollars to fund city services, we expect good value for our contributions. We expect high-quality at competitive costs. And we expect a well-managed, trustworthy, and transparent government always ensuring every tax dollar is well-spent. As the only candidate with an MBA and with city management experience, I am ready on day one to represent our residents in support of
Regular reviews of budget line items to identify process, technology, and service-delivery improvements that reduce costs, eliminate waste, and improve customer experience
Increased resident outreach on budget matters, to ensure our city is listening to community priorities
Implementation of creative, interactive visuals delivering insights to residents so they can hold our government accountable
Improved procurement processes strengthening professional, apolitical staff recommendations
Stronger financial controls to minimize waste, fraud, and abuse
I believe that my unique background in engineering, business administration, and public service is in sharp contrast to the background of my opponents, and if elected I would add refreshing diversity to the commission. I pledge to represent our residents and neighborhoods in an ethical, expert, and transparent way. I will ask informed oversight questions, and will lead the city towards more effective use of our shared resources.

On Traffic | On Public Safety | On Public Spaces | On Resiliency and Sustainability | On Civility and Ethics | On Planning and Development
Elect Carmen Olazabal on April 9th, 2019 - Vote #45
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