Vote #45

Thank you for visiting to learn more about my background, experience, and vision. I hope we both share an avid enthusiasm to make Coral Gables a better community - and I look forward to earning your trust and support during the campaign. Please explore, and contact us with questions or to get involved! - Carmen
Stand up to developers and protect our neighborhoods
Keep our streets calm and walkable
Build a resilient future for our children
Independent, qualified leadership
On Carmen's Performance

“On her first day as Interim City Manager, I wrote down… all the different projects… that the Commission had really been pushing for a long time… and over the last meeting you passed that piece of paper back to me… and all of the projects either got accomplished or were moving.”
Commissioner Frank Quesada, 12/16/14
“I would like to personally and truly thank Carmen… for moving the number of projects that we have moved over these last 6 months forward… She has done a great job.”
Commissioner Patricia Keon, 12/16/14
“We could not have been successful without such a highly qualified and dedicated city professional like Ms. Olazabal.”
Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce, 6/5/12
“You probably made more progress in the last six months than we have seen in a long time around here and I commend you for that.”
Commissioner Bill Kerdyk, 5/10/11
“Carmen is a great candidate for Coral Gables Commission. She has the commitment, experience, and integrity to be a great asset to the City.”
Former County Manager Merrett Stierheim, 3/3/19
Gables Buzz - what voters are saying
"You are a breath of fresh air and i look forward to casting my vote on April 9th. Stay strong and focused throughout."
"I'm impressed... [you have] sterling credentials and solid experience."
"Since I ... changed my allegiance, I am hereby authorizing you to place your sign in my front yard."
"I appreciate your directly and aggressively challenging the [account] stated. It was enlightening."
"Overall I am pleased with your views as a potential commissioner..."
"You have an impressive resume and outlook. I hope you win."
Election day is April 9th
Every $10, $20, or $35 contribution counts to give your neighborhood an independent, qualified voice against the $BIG$ money candidates
Recent Highlights
March 28, 2019
Video: Meet and Greet at the Colonnade, with Jim Cason
March 21, 2019
Video: 55 Merrick Way Meet and Greet - On development
March 14, 2019
Video: Coral Gables Candidate Forum @ Coco Plum Woman's Club
Closing Remarks, Think Differently!
March 12, 2019
Video: Coral Gables Candidate Forum @ Books and Books
March 7, 2019
Video: Coral Gables Candidate Forum 2019 @ UM
February 27, 2019
Supporting women in business at a TCI event
February 26, 2019
Meet and greet at the Riviera Section
February 20, 2019
Cason, Stierheim: Vote for civility and ethics
February 20, 2019
Video: Meeting Islands of Cocoplum neighbors
February 6, 2019
Presenting at the Coral Gables Forum
January 29, 2019
#TeamWorkTuesday - Grateful for our team!
January 18, 2019
Video: Campaign Kickoff! Thanks to our supporters!
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Elect Carmen Olazabal on April 9th, 2019 - Vote #45
Coral Gables Election Info | Polling Locations | Vote-by-Mail
Want a yard sign? Contact us today and we will deliver!
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Phone: 305-962-8185
#Carmen4CoralGables #CityBeautiful #CoralGables
Political Advertising Paid for and approved by Carmen Olazabal for Coral Gables Commissioner Group 4